Abeja Negra SOS
Abeja Negra (Black Bee) SOS is a Mexican non-profit organization that rescues and relocates honeybees. The organization’s mission is to protect honeybees and educate the public about the importance of bees.

Agua Libre Foundation
The Agua Libre Foundation’s primary mission is to provide clean, high-quality drinking water to as many people in the beach towns of Mexico as possible.

Azul Sayu
Azul Sayu, formally known as "Centro de Reciclaje de Sayulita," was created with the goal of significantly reducing trash in Sayulita by promoting the reduction and reuse of items and providing recycling services in town.

Banderas Bay Initiative
Their vision is to ensure the sustainable future of a physical environment within the Banderas Bay Region where residents and visitors enrich themselves through interacting with the natural world and learning about our ties to the past.

Be Your Voice Sayulita A.C.
Our mission is to provide the residents of Sayulita with an active and responsible voice that proposes, in a fair and compassionate manner, resolutions and action plans for the environmental and ecological problems of our town.

COBI - Rebels of the Sea
We are a civil association dedicated to promoting thriving coastal economies based on the conservation of marine biodiversity and natural capital.

Conservation of Wonderful Species of Banderas Bay
Conservación de las Especies Maravillosas de la Bahía de Banderas, CEMBAB, is a non-profit civil association dedicated to the conservation of flora and fauna, mainly birds and turtles.

Cool Earth
Cool Earth exists because right now, the world is in a climate crisis. The most effective way to fight back is to protect the best carbon-storing technology that already exists: rainforests.

Costa Verde Sustainable Resource Center
The Sustainable Resource Center provides information on how local residents can contribute to the cause of environmentalism and instigate their own response.

Deep Blue Conservancy
The Deep Blue Conservancy works in association with Ocean Friendly Tours and is dedicated to protecting and preserving the wonders of marine ecology impacted by human activity and presents responsible whale watching adventures.

Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders of Wildlife envisions a future where diverse wildlife populations in North America are secure and thriving, sustained by a network of healthy lands and waters.

EarthJustice is the premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change.

ECOBAC - Ecology and Conservation of Whales
Ecología y Conservación de Ballenas, is devoted mainly to research, protection and conservation of Mexico’s natural resources, specially the Humpback Whale in Banderas Bay.

El Salado Estuary State Park
The objectives of Estero el Salado is creating actions and guidelines involved in conserving, restoring and maintaining the resources of the protected natural area as well as the other areas of the Puerto Vallarta/Banderas Bay region.

Environmental Defense Fund de México
EDF de México is a non-profit, non-partisan civil society organization dedicated to finding solutions to the environmental challenges facing Mexico in terms of oceans, clean air and energy.

Greenpeace Mexico
Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.

Grupo Ecológico de la Costa Verde
Located just north of Puerto Vallarta, they are an NGO established 1992 to protect the habitat of endangered turtle species Olive Ridley and Leatherback. Volunteer opportunities are available in the nesting season between early June and late November.

Grupo Ecologico de Puerto Vallarta
The Ecological Group of Puerto Vallarta is involved in reforestation, recycling, community clean-up, Pitillal river rescue and the Vallarta Verde Program. Also included are programs for adoption, abuse complaints and pet services including wildlife conservation.

La Brigada de La Basura
Taking responsibility for the cleanliness of our environment, they meet every Saturday to clean up the local river banks and barrio streets. They can use your support and assistance. You can help with toys, your time, supplies or your donations.

Mares Mexicanos
We are a team that use audiovisual media to tell stories about the Mexican seas, their biodiversity and coastal communities to raise awareness in the care and sustainable use of marine resources.

Mexican Fund for Nature Conservation
Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C. (FMCN) is a private, non-profit organization that allocates financial resources for nature conservation, connecting the various actors that have a role to play in protecting Mexico’s vast biodiversity.

Mundo Ceiba Vallarta
The mission of Mundo Ceiba is to contribute to social change in Puerto Vallarta from an environmental perspective through the development of programs, including the care, protection and conservation of the environment.

Oceana Mexico
Oceana was created to identify practical solutions and make them happen. The good news is that we can restore the oceans to their former glory.

Oceanus A.C.
Founded in 2006, our mission is to develop and apply the necessary techniques and actions that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources.

Pronatura Noroeste
Our mission is the conservation of the flora, fauna, and priority ecosystems of Northwest Mexico, to promote the development of society in harmony with nature.

Puerto Vallarta Garden Club
PVGC is a not-for-profit organization striving to improve and beautify Vallarta through planting trees and flowers in public areas. New members are always invited and donations are welcome.

Recyclers of Bucerias
Recicladores de Bucerias is a volunteer public service organization dedicated to cleaning and conserving the local environment. They collect and recycle only plastic bottles, aluminum and tin cans. All of their proceeds are invested back into the community.

Senderos de México (Trails of Mexico)
The Civil Association Senderos y Caminos de México promotes hiking as a way to achieve community development in Mexico and support the conservation of its natural spaces.

Sierra Rios
We identify, provide information about, raise awareness of, and support activities that will protect our precious rivers from damming and human-caused degradation.

The Center for Biological Diversity
At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature - to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants.

The Nature Conservancy México
Due to its biological diversity and cultural richness, Mexico represents a strategic zone for the conservation of nature.

The Western Ecological Society
They work to develop and support specific projects of conservation and ecosystem restoration and thus improve the quality of life for the inhabitants of the area through learning to cohabit with nature, including ecological non-commercial tours.

UMA Potrero de Mulas
The certified ecotourism project UMA Potrero de Mulas is integrated within the forests and jungles of small properties in the Municipality of San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco.

Vallarta Botanical Gardens
Their vision is to build the greatest botanical garden in the enchanted highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. The staff is dedicated to the research and education of plant life, as well as showing the public all the beauty that nature has to offer.

War Against Trash Campaign Vallarta
The “Guerra Contra La Basura” campaign is an important effort to protect the environment and improve the quality of life in Puerto Vallarta, and is a model for other communities that are struggling with the problem of litter.

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