Meet ECOBAC, Guardians of the Humpback Whale in Banderas Bay
Angie Tovar - Vallarta Independiente
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March 10, 2024

ECOBAC stands for Ecología y Conservación de Ballenas A.C. (Ecology and Conservation of Whales A.C.) (Vallarta Independiente)

ECOBAC is a Mexican non-profit civil association, which seeks to contribute to the research, protection and conservation of Mexico's natural resources, especially the humpback whale in Banderas Bay.

Vallarta Independiente had the opportunity to be present at one of the humpback whale monitoring activities together with Paulina and Astrid, ECOBAC researchers.

This is how Paulina explains the work carried out during the monitoring:

   "In the monitoring we make a circuit around the Bay looking for humpback whales, and we take data of the satellite position, what kind of group we are seeing and we stay observing trying to take pictures of the fluke."

ECOBAC has a catalog of more than three thousand whales, and what they look for when making the sightings is to process the data to find out if that whale has already been in the bay or if it is the first time it has been recorded there.

When I asked what are the biggest threats facing the whales, Astrid told me that the main threat is climate change, but there are also other reasons, such as collisions with boats and entanglement in fishing gear.

That is why among other things they carry out is an awareness campaign about the basic rules that we must respect while whale watching.

Everything about this experience left me captivated.

Thank you so much Astrid and Paulina for giving me one of the best days of my life but above all for contributing to the conservation of the precious humpback whale and its habitat in such an outstanding way!

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See the original at Vallarta Independiente

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Related: Environmental Education, Key to the Conservation of Humpback Whale (University of Guadalajara)

Related: How a Wandering White Shark’s Epic Journey Could Provide Clues for Protecting Them (Big Rapids News)

This material was translated from Spanish using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

  Learn about ECOBAC - Ecology and Conservation of Whales

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